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Self-Paced Courses
Whoohoo! I was able to fix the problems with Watercolor Jumpstart and Watercolor Skies and Clouds, so they are working again! Both are free, but you do need to register and be logged in to use the course (too much bot traffic these days).
YOU MUST BE LOGGED IN TO ACCESS YOUR COURSES (use the login link below these instructions or above the course listings).
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you had an account before, it might or might not work. If you’re not able to log in with your old account or reset your password, try registering for a new account. It’s okay to use the same email address.
If you get a message saying there’s already a user with that email, then you do already have an account and may only need to update your password using the “Forgot password?” link. (If neither method works, email me at and tell me the email address you are trying to use to log in and I’ll try to help you troubleshoot.)
The Studio Journaling Course is currently still closed to new enrollments, but I’m working on putting it into a downloadable format. Once that’s done, it will be available again, too. (Probably around January 2025.)

Introduction to Keeping a Studio Journal
This free course is for anyone who is curious about keeping a studio journal to develop their personal creative style and voice, or explore and deepen their own creative potential. It consists of the first three lessons of the full course (Your Studio Journal), enough to get you started with a studio journalling practice for free.

Watercolor Skies & Clouds
Learn to paint skies with soft wet-into-wet effects by a slow development of multiple layers. The method you will learn in this course allows more control, without overworking. Then practice your new skills in context as you complete two dramatic watercolor sky paintings. PLEASE NOTE: The techniques in this course are intended for stretched paper. How to stretch paper is covered in the course. These techniques will not give good results on unstretched paper.