Creativity Booster— Try Improv Painting!
Stuck in a rut? Looking for ways to loosen up or find your own style? Try Improv Painting!
Stuck in a rut? Looking for ways to loosen up or find your own style? Try Improv Painting!
As I was returning home from a reception Monday night, there was a spectacular light show from some large thunderstorms to the north. The storms were far enough away that the thunder wasn’t audible, and I couldn’t see ground strikes. Instead, the massive clouds were illuminated from within by flickering lightning. Overhead, the sky was…
Huh? Everything you read these days seems to extol the virtues of being “in the present moment”. I’m not questioning the value of being attentive, appreciative and aware. In fact, a few weeks ago, I suggested some ways to use art-making to deepen your appreciation for the beauty and wonder in your everyday routine and…
Tips for planning a manageable painting/postcard and coping with a complex subject when sketching on location.
Do you love intricate patterns? The wild popularity of Zentangle tells me a lot of us do! What is the fascination? The soothing repetition? The almost-magical emergence of form from a few simple shapes? The need to pay close attention that blocks out cares and worries? The echo of Nature’s beautiful intricacies? Whatever the reason, winter is a perfect…
It seems we’re all busy these days. Often, too busy to take time for things that we know would really enhance and enrich our lives—like journaling or art-making. We long for a creative outlet, and every day we wind up scrambling just to get through the necessary tasks of the day before falling into bed…
Sketchbook Pro is a great tool for quickly planning changes to a painting in progress, and it’s free. This video introduces the small set of features I use in my planning process, so you can get started quickly without having to go through a lot of features you don’t need.
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