
Live Demo 9 Aug 2020—What’s on Your Palette?

A lot of people have asked me to talk about what brands of paint I use (most of them!) and what colors I have on my palette (way too many!). I’m always at a loss, because I am constantly playing around with the colors on my palette. I’m just as much of a sucker for a cool new color as the next person. Isn’t that just part of the fun of watercolor? 😉

But it’s time to take a stab at answering  the REAL question, How can you decide which colors to have on your palette?”

In this demo, I’ll talk about how to go about choosing a palette of colors that works for you.

I’ll discuss a couple of starting collections (limited palettes) you can use if you’re new or want to keep it simple. And I’ll talk about how to incorporate new colors so that you can really understand and use them.  Finally, I’ll discuss some options for (physical) palettes to put your colors on and several ways to arrange colors on your palette.

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