Online enrollment is currently unavailable. These courses will be unavailable after Dec 31, 2024.

If you wish to enroll for the time remaining between now and Dec 31, 2024, please follow these steps:

  • if you do not already have an account on, go back to the Self-Guided courses section of the Learn page and register an account by clicking the Login button and using the right-hand side of the popup window to register an account
  • contact me using the “Contact Lynne” link on any page in the website footer and let me know the email address under which your account is registered, and the course or courses you would like to enroll in
  • due to the limited time period for course availability, you will not be charged a course fee; instead, I ask that you return value in the form of a donation for any value you received from using the course materials by using the “Feed the Dragonflies” link in the top menu of the home page

I am traveling without consistent internet access, so it may take me several days to be able to enroll you. I may also be unable to respond quickly if you have difficulties with logging in or accessing your courses. Thanks for your patience.

Happy painting! — Lynne