Author: lbaur

Live Demo 9 Aug 2020—What’s on Your Palette?

Live Demo 9 Aug 2020—What’s on Your Palette?

A lot of people have asked me to talk about what brands of paint I use (most of them!) and what colors I have on my palette (way too many!). I’m always at a loss, because I am constantly playing around with the colors on my palette. I’m just as much of a sucker for a cool new color as the next person. Isn’t that just part of the fun of watercolor? 😉 But it’s time to take a stab at answering the REAL question, How can you decide which colors to have on your palette?”

Painless Watercolor Planning, Part 2: Choose & Refine Your Painting Concept

Painless Watercolor Planning, Part 2: Choose & Refine Your Painting Concept

This article is the fifth in a series about creating paintings with more emotion, power and personal meaning. Here are links to the first four: Is My Painting Done? Are You a “Photocopier”? There’s a Better Way The Lazy Way to Build Painting Confidence Painless Watercolor Planning, Part 1: Exploratory Drawing I’ve broken up my…